COMNAP RINGS Collaboration
Project Manager: Sven Lidström (working closely with Kenny Matsuoka, SCAR RINGS AG Chair)
EXCOM Oversite: Walter Mac Cormack & Wendy Rubio
Start Date: November 2023
End Date: 2026
Illustration Credits: Hasan Abbas (GRID-Arendal) and RINGS Action Group
RINGS is a collaborative effort to better understand coastal regions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet primarily using airborne geophysics. RINGS began as a SCAR Action Group in 2021 and SCAR has confirmed its support through 2026, with provision for extension. The objective of the SCAR RINGS Action Group is to facilitate coordinating regional survey efforts and relevant research programs so that the current knowledge gaps at the ice-sheet margin are filled to better understand current and future Antarctic contributions to the sea-level rise.
Current data availability in the coastal regions is largely constrained by logistics capability. RINGS objectives can only be enabled through COMNAP Member national Antarctic programs. After consideration, the COMNAP AGM 2023 supported “RINGS synergies” through development of a COMNAP project, here referred to as COMNAP RINGS. Since the AGM, there have been discussions with SCAR EXCOM members on collaboration on the project and they are supportive of the collaboration.
Project Objectives
From a COMNAP perspective, the objective of the project is to establish a network within COMNAP or utilise the already well-established regional groups to provide logistics knowledge for efficient survey planning, and eventually communicate and better coordinate regional logistic support of RINGS. As most RINGS events are being carried out by region, COMNAP RINGS will utilize the already well-established COMNAP regional groups as communication networks for planning and implementation, thereby making best available use of offered/available national Antarctic program assets, contributing national Antarctic program expertise, and sharing lessons learned to ensure success in the initiatives led by national Antarctic programs.
Strategic Fit to COMNAP
The IPCC identified future sea level rise as a critical consequence of changes in Antarctic ice with the Antarctic coastal zone determining Antarctica’s ice future over the coming centuries. Yet, there is much uncertainty and critical knowledge gaps related to the Antarctic coastal zone. The SCAR Horizon Scan (Kennicutt et al., 2015, DOI: 10.1017/S0954102014000674) listed 11 questions directly related to the ice-sheet and sea-level rise. The COMNAP Antarctic Roadmap Challenges (ARC, 2016) noted in regard to the ice-sheet and sea-ice that access to the coastal regions, more detailed geophysical imaging and mapping of the ice-sheet and wider availability of deployed airborne sensors are critical requirements to fill knowledge gaps. The RINGS goals are therefore aligned to these ARC-identified strategic access, infrastructure and logistics requirements for the Horizon Scan identified critical science. RINGS implementation will require coordinated and sustained effort from COMNAP Member national Antarctic programs and many national Antarctic program scientists are participants in the SCAR RINGS Action Group.
The first regional RINGS survey took place in 2023/24 in Dronning Maud Land and Enderby Land (DML/EL RINGS) led by NPI and supported by many organization in 10 countries including AAD, AWI and PRIC which offered their airplanes. Lessons learned from the preparation for and operation in Antarctica will be shared with national Antarctic Programs through the COMANP RINGS Collaboration project in anticipation of further surveys in Antarctica.
At COMNAP AGM 35 (2023) it was agreed that, through COMNAP we would enhance the conversations to better collaborate on RINGS, would communicate and enhance synergies in order to support the implementation of RINGS and contribute to its success. RINGS relies on national Antarctic program assets and expertise to enable the science support it requires to gather this initial data. Lessons learned will be applied through COMNAP to other regions of the Antarctic and future RINGS missions. This is a direct fit within the COMNAP Science Facilitation Expert Group.
A working paper on DML/EL RINGS was submitted to ATCM45 (2023) by 10 nations and SCAR, which proposed (1) to take note of its importance, (2) make appropriate efforts to enable regional surveys, and supplemental ground-based and vessel-based work in an internationally coordinated manner, and (3) to support and contribute to the DML/EL RINGS as appropriate. This paper was supported by the ATCM.
Project Outputs and Outcomes
In collaborating on RINGS, COMNAP and SCAR again demonstrate the importance of the science/science support nexus to deliver outcomes related to the SCAR Horizon Scan questions and to address access, infrastructure and technology needs as identified in the COMNAP Antarctic Roadmap Challenges (ARC) Project.
SCAR RINGS Action Group found that key data required to make accurate for sea-level projections are severely limited with much of the data collected being very close to Antarctic research stations and not much further beyond. RINGS seeks to address this limitation in data availability.
COMNAP RINGS Collaboration Project outcomes will include those also required by SCAR from the RINGS Action Group and will lead to the publication of geographical information and a map showing completed and planned surveys, reporting annual achievements to COMNAP and exchange of information as the project advances on the COMNAP project website. Annual updates on the Project will be included in the COMNAP AGM schedules through 2026. A workshop is being considered for RINGS Peninsula during the SCAR OSC in Chile 2024 or on the margins of COMNAP AGM 2024 in Argentina.
Project Timeframe
Initially through 2026 reviewed as necessary based on progress and the lessons learned from Regional RINGS implementation.
Resource Requirements
COMNAP RINGS Collaboration will need administrative support from the Secretariat and through arrangements at AGMs, and possibly intercessionally (between AGMs). There is no financial support required. Participants in the COMNAP RINGS Collaboration Project will be supported by their national Antarctic program. Participation in the COMANP RINGS Collaboration Project does not decide whether a national Antarctic program will choose to provide support in the Antarctic.
In Scope
Enabling communications, networking especially regionally within COMNAP and COMNAP Member national Antarctic programs.
Ensure COMNAP and COMNAP Member national Antarctic programs are recognised for their contributions to RINGS. (Logo use).
Actively delivering messaging to social media, to the COMNAP Membership and to the ATCMs, in a well-coordinated manner with SCAR and RINGS Action Group.
Out of Scope
Developing the science strategy.
Requiring national Antarctic programs to participate.
All national Antarctic programs through their nominated COMNAP representative(s) are invited to join the COMNAP RINGS Collaboration. The SCAR RINGS Action Group Chair and other SCAR RINGS Action Group members are invited to participate.
As with all COMNAP Projects, we encourage the use of the COMNAP logo in presentations, posters and other outreach activities including social media when appropriate.
Where your project has confirmed support from a national Antarctic program, please use the COMNAP RINGS Collaboration logo.
Information from the SCAR RINGS Action Group, including the new logo policy developed in consultation with COMNAP, are actively shared with the COMNAP community. We encourage reporting of level/amount of logistics/operations support provided to the RINGS Action Group data collection on a seasonal basis.