Upcoming Meetings & Workshops

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The COMNAP AGM 36 (2024) will be convened as an in-person, Members-only, meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from Wednesday 14 August through Friday 16 August 2024. Registration is required to attend. Registration closed on 10 July 2024.

SCAR Open Science Conference 2024

SCAR and the Chilean Antarctic Institute are organising the 11th SCAR Open Science Conference, in Pucón, Chile, from 19-23 August 2024.

Joint SCAR/COMNAP Mini-Symposium: A Promising Future for Antarctic Research: Facilitation of circumpolar initiatives through science and science support partnerships (Monday 19 August 2024, 09:30-11:00)

International collaboration has always been a hallmark of Antarctic research. However, implementing complex multinational projects requires a long lead time and development of specific partnerships between the science and the science support communities. Such partnerships are based on years of experience with lessons learned and improved over decades of polar research supported through COMNAP and its Member national Antarctic programs. The success of future partnerships is promising with the likes of the SCAR ANTOS Expert Group, the SCAR RINGS Action Group, ICED, and the Antarctica InSync project on the implementation horizon to name only a few international, large-scale partnerships ready for action.  This mini-symposium will explore the complex nature of establishing the framework for providing logistics for circumpolar research programs. Presenters will include scientists involved in the development of the research strategies for each of these initiatives and presenters from the national Antarctic programs involved in planning and implementation, operations, logistics and science support for such polar research. The mini-symposium will explore the critical science/science support nexus that enables circumpolar research collaborations. By looking at these present initiatives we can take the lessons learned into future circumpolar collaborations to ensure their inclusiveness and success.


  • Dr Antonio Quesada, COMNAP Chair

  • Dr Deneb Karentz, SCAR Vice President Science

Confirmed speakers

  • Dr Antje Boetius, Director Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Germany

  • Dr Kenny Matsuoka, Chair RINGS Action Group / Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway

  • John Guldahl, Director Operations & Logistics Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway / COMNAP Deputy Manager and Project Manager for the COMNAP RINGS Collaboration Project

  • Dr Vonda Cummings, Principal Scientist National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand / Co-chair ANTOS

  • Dr Jennifer Freer, Marine Ecosystems Modeller, British Antarctic Survey, UK / ICED


  • Dr Marcelo Leppe, SCAR Vice President Administration

  • Capt. Doğaç Baybars IŞILER, Logistics Co-ordinator TUBITAK Marmara Research Center Polar Research Institute, Türkiye / APECS Immediate Past Vice President

Workshop 12 - Highly Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in Antarctica: Lessons Learnt and Preparation for 2024-25 Season

This workshop will focus on the arrival of HPAI in to the Antarctic region during the 2023-24 Austral Summer and preparations for 2024-25 Austral Summer season when HPAI returns. Some of the topics covered will include

– SCAR HPAI Monitoring Project

– Lessons learnt in responding to HPAI outbreaks

– Examples of Surveillance Methods

– Current Risk Assessment and Recommendations from the Antarctic Wildlife Health Network

– Discussions on how to prepare for next season

Convenor: Megan Dewar