Our Members

COMNAP’s Members are the government National Antarctic Programs of 33 countries that are Consultative State Parties, or are non-Consultative State Parties and their countries have agreed to the Antarctic Treaty and the Environmental Protocol. Each Member program is represented by the Manager (MNAP) of that National Antarctic Program and/or the Deputy Manager (DMNAP) of that program. There are also four Observer National Antarctic Programs.

National Antarctic Programs collectively have the greatest first-hand experience of living and working in the Antarctic. Many of the National Antarctic Programs have operated there since the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957/58. The list below provides information on each Member program in alphabetical order by country.

You can learn more about our Members by going to their home websites (click on a photo to be taken to their webpage) and by looking at their Antarctic station information (click the red information button to see the relevant pages from the COMNAP Station Catalogue (2017)).

Photo: Dirección Nacional del Antártico

Photo: Dirección Nacional del Antártico

Dirección Nacional del Antártico (DNA) (Argentina)

MNAP: Cynthia Hotton, Director of Dirección Nacional del Antártico
DMNAP: Walter Mac Cormack, Head of the Argentine Antarctic Institute

Photo: IA34994 Casey, Australian Antarctic Division

Photo: IA34994 Casey, Australian Antarctic Division

Australian Antarctic Division (AAD)

MNAP: Matt Filipowski, Branch Head Operations and Logistics
DMNAP: Simon Owen

Photo: Belgian Federal Science Policy and Polar Secretariat

Photo: Belgian Federal Science Policy and Polar Secretariat

Belgian Federal Science Policy and Polar Secretariat (Belgium)

MNAP: Anton Muyldermans, Director, Belgian Polar Secretariat
DMNAP: Margot François

Photo: Programa Antártico Brasileiro

Photo: Programa Antártico Brasileiro

Programa Antártico Brasileiro (PROANTAR) (Brazil)

MNAP: Ricardo Jaques Ferreira, Secretary of the Interministerial Commission for Sea Resources (SECIRM)
DMNAP: Haynnee Trad Souza, International Relations Division

Photo: Christo Pimpirev

Photo: Christo Pimpirev

Bulgarian Antarctic Institute (BAI)​​

MNAP: Christo Pimpirev, Director
DMNAP: Dragomir Mateev, Operations, Logistics & Projects Manager

Photo: Canada

Polar Knowledge Canada (Canada)

MNAP: David Hik, Chief Scientist & Executive Director
DMNAP: Deanna Hammel, Senior Analyst, Science and Technology

Photo: Instituto Antártico Chileno

Instituto Antártico Chileno (INACH) (Chile)

MNAP: Gino Casassa Rogazinski, Director
DMNAP: Wendy Rubio, Head of Operations

Photo: Wei Fuhai

Photo: Wei Fuhai

Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration (CAA) & Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC) (China)

MNAP: Shen Jun, Director General, CAA
DMNAP: Zhang Tijun, Deputy Director, PRIC

Photo: Laska

Photo: Laska

Masaryk University
(​Czech Republic)

MNAP: Pavel Kapler, Manager Czech Antarctic Research Program
DMNAP: Daniel Nyvlt, Principle Investigator/Head of Polar Geo Lab

Photo: Instituto Antartico Ecuatoriano

Photo: Instituto Antartico Ecuatoriano

Instituto Oceanográfico y Antartico de la Armada (INOCAR)

MNAP: Nelson Andrés Pazmiño, INOCAR Director-General
DMNAP: Marco Santos Castañeda​, Coordinator of Antarctic Affairs

Photo: Finnish Antarctic Research Program

Photo: Finnish Antarctic Research Program

Finnish Antarctic Research Program at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FINNARP) (Finland)

MNAP: Mika Kalakoski, Development Manager
DMNAP: Priit Tisler, Research and Technical Support

Photo: C Fresser

Photo: C Fresser

Institut Polaire Français Paul-Émile Victor (IPEV) (France)

MNAP: Yan Ropert-Coudert, Director
DMNAP: Grégory Tran, Chief of Antarctic Operations

Photo: S Christmann

Photo: S Christmann

Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)

MNAP: Uwe Nixdorf, Deputy Director
DMNAP: Christine Wesche, Logistics and Research Platforms

Photo: National Centre for Polar & Ocean Research

Photo: National Centre for Polar & Ocean Research

National Centre for Polar & Ocean Research (NCPOR) (India)

MNAP: Thamban Meloth, Director
DMNAP: Shailedra Saini, Antarctic Logistics

Photo: PNRA

Photo: PNRA

Programma Nazionale Di Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA)

MNAP: Gianluca Bianchi Fasani, ENEA Antarctic Technical Unit
DMNAP: Rocco Ascione, Head of the Logistic Service, Antarctic Technical Unit

Photo: National Institute of Polar Research

Photo: National Institute of Polar Research

National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) (Japan)

MNAP: Gen Hashida, Deputy Director (for Research), Center for Antarctic Programs
DMNAP: Yoshifumi Nogi, Director-General

Photo: D van der Kroef

Photo: D van der Kroef

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
(The Netherlands)

MNAP: Daan Blok, Director
DMNAP: Renno Hokwerda, Programme Officer

Photo: B Goodsell, Antarctica New Zealand Pictorial Collection

Photo: B Goodsell, Antarctica New Zealand Pictorial Collection

Antarctica New Zealand
(New Zealand)

MNAP: Jordy Hendrikx, Chief Executive / Chief Scientific Advisor​
DMNAP: Mike Shapland, General Manager Antarctic Operations

Photo: Norwegian Polar Institute

Photo: Norwegian Polar Institute

Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI)

MNAP: Camilla Brekke​, Director
DMNAP: Erland Loso, Director Operations and Logistics

Photo: Peruvian Division of Antarctic Affairs

Photo: Peruvian Division of Antarctic Affairs

Division of Antarctic Affairs​

MNAP: Librado Orozco
DMNAP: Jose Mariano de Cossio Rivas

Photo: Latusek

Photo: Latusek

Poland Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences​

MNAP: Agnieszka Kruszewska, Director of Administration
DMNAP: Dariusz Puczko, Logistics Coordinator


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (Portugal)

MNAP: Maria Teresa Cabrita, Executive Director of the Portuguese Polar Program (PROPOLAR)
DMNAP: Germana Santos, Head of FCT Polar Programme

Photo: Torbic

Photo: Torbic

National Academy of Sciences
(Republic of Belarus)

MNAP: Aliaksei Haidashou, Head Belarus Antarctic Expedition
DMNAP: Igor Pilshchikov, Deputy Head RCPR

Photo: Korean Polar Research Institute (KOPRI)

Photo: Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI)

Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI)​ (Republic of Korea)

MNAP: Hyoung Chul Shin, President
DMNAP: Dongmin Jin, Director-Department of Logistics and Infrastructure Operation

Photo: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute – Russian Antarctic Expedition

Photo: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute – Russian Antarctic Expedition

The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) / Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE)
(Russian Federation)

MNAP: Pavel Lunev, RAE Head
Acting DMNAP: Vladimir Kuchin, Deputy Head of Logistics

Photo: South African National Antarctic Program

Photo: South African National Antarctic Program

South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) (South Africa)

MNAP (Acting): Ashley Johnson, Chief Director
DMNAP (Acting): Rodgerson Hlophe, Manager Ship & Helicopters

Photo: Comité Polar Español

Photo: Comité Polar Español

Comité Polar Español (CPE)

MNAP: Antonio Quesada, Executive Secretary
DMNAP: Miguel Ojeda, Marine Technology Unit, CSIC

Photo: H Tornberg

Photo: H Tornberg

Swedish Polar Research Secretariat

MNAP: Håkan Grudd, Deputy Head of Department for Terrestrial Research Support
DMNAP: Ola Eriksson, Technical Coordinator

Photo: TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Polar Research Institute

Photo: TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Polar Research Institute

TÜBITAK Marmara Research Center, Polar Research Institute

MNAP: Özgün Oktar, Deputy Director, TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Polar Research Institute
DMNAP: Dogac Baybars Isiler, Logistics Coordinator, TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Polar Research Institute

Photo: National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine

Photo: National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine

National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine (NASC) (Ukraine)

MNAP: Evgen Dykyi, Director
DMNAP: Andrii Fedchuk, ​Head of International Scientific & Technical Cooperation Department

Photo: British Antarctic Survey

Photo: British Antarctic Survey

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
(United Kingdom)

MNAP: Oliver Darke, Director of Operations & Engineering (Interim)
DMNAP: Dave Wattam, Head of Polar Operations

Photo: Hood

Photo: Hood

National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs
(United States of America)

MNAP: Stephanie Short, Section Head, Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics
DMNAP: Margaret Knuth, Chief Program Manager, Antarctic Infrastructure & Logistics

Photo: Uruguayan Antarctic Institute

Photo: Uruguayan Antarctic Institute

Uruguayan Antarctic Institute (IAU)

MNAP: Brigadier (Av.) Fernando Colina, President
DMNAP: Angela Quartarolo, Secretary Director

Our Observers

We also have four observer organisations from the non-consultative countries of Colombia, malaysia, switzerland & venezuela.