Education, Outreach and Training Expert Group
Expert Group Leader: Andrea Peña Aguirre
Oversight EXCOM members: Wendy Rubio
Terms of reference:
Exchange information, views and ideas about education, outreach and communication within COMNAP.
Promote mutual understanding on education, outreach and communication activities and facilitate partnerships.
Work with relevant organizations in developing activities of mutual interest.
Enhance the content of the Members Only area by sharing publications, policies, procedures and best practice.
COMNAP Practical Training Modules
Training Module 1: Environmental Protocol
This training module (version 1.0/March 2014) has been developed by the COMNAP Training Expert Group. The information was combined from training presentations from the National Antarctic Programs of Argentina, Australia, France and Spain. It is intended that this presentation will be kept opened for development and input from all COMNAP members and should evolve to incorporate staff feedback in later versions. Anyone is welcome to use this training module. It is available below as PDF files in each of the four Antarctic Treaty official languages.
Environmental Protocol Training English 2014 (pdf)
Environmental Protocol Training French 2014 (pdf)
Environmental Protocol Training Russian 2014 (pdf)
Environmental Protocol Training Spanish 2014 (pdf)
Training Module 2: Non-Native Species
This training module (version 1.0/April 2015) has been developed by the COMNAP Training Expert Group. The information was combined from training presentations from the National Antarctic Programs of Argentina, Australia, China, India, New Zealand and Spain. It is intended that this presentation will be kept opened for development and input from all COMNAP members and should evolve to incorporate staff feedback in later versions. Anyone is welcome to use this training module. It is available below as PDF files in english only at this time.
Non Native Species English 2015 (pdf)
Training Module: Highly Pathogenic avian influenza
This training presentation has been prepared for deploying National Antarctic Program personnel to inform on the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Anyone is welcome to use this training module. It is available below as PDF files in english only at this time.